Home Curtains Type III Canazzi garden curtain cloth finished living room bedroom balcony window short curtain semi shading cloth bedroom small curtain cloth dandelion width 1.5m* height 2.0m- drilling processing
$208 (tax inclusive)
Canazzi garden curtain cloth finished living room bedroom balcony window short curtain semi shading cloth bedroom small curtain cloth dandelion width 1.5m* height 2.0m- drilling processing
Kanazi garden curtain cloth finished living room bedroom balcony bay window short curtain semi shading cloth bedroom small curtain cloth dandelion width 1.5m * height 2.0m - punching processing [picture price brand quotation] - Jingdong
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Product Name: kanazi garden curtain cloth finished living room bedroom balcony bay window short curtain semi shading cloth bedroom small curtain cloth dandelion width 1.5m * height 2.0m - drilling processingProduct Name: kanazi garden curtain cloth finished living room bedroom balcony bay window short curtain semi shading cloth bedroom small curtain cloth dandelion width 1.5m * height 2.0m - drilling processing
Commodity number: 25899460210Commodity number: 25899460210
Store: kanazi flagship storeStore: kanazi flagship store
Gross weight: 1.0kgGross weight: 1.0kg
Installation method: door to door installationInstallation method: door to door installation
Size: othersSize: others
Shading: half shading 40% - 70%Shading: half shading 40% - 70%
Process: printingProcess: printing
Curtain head style: othersCurtain head style: others
Style: idyllicStyle: idyllic
Material: BlendMaterial: Blend
Curtain type: fabric curtainCurtain type: fabric curtain
Category: finished curtain / window screenCategory: finished curtain / window screen
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